Course overview:

This course will explore the relationship between “Creativity” & “Wellbeing”. A study of one hour creativity in young people indicated that engaging in a creative activity just once a day can lead to a more positive state of mind.

Course information:

In this course, we would aim to answer the question of whether or not creative endeavour can buffer anxiety about death, explore those individuals with a record of creative achievement, who had high levels of creative ambition and how this made less “death associations” after thinking about their own death. The course would be in 2 sessions of 2 hours and it promises to be really exciting!

How to book onto this course

  • If you are already enrolled with our Recovery College:

    Contact us

    If you are already enrolled with Thurrock Recovery College and would like to book onto a course, you can do this by calling us, emailing us or submitting your interest in a course via our contact form.

  • If you are not already enrolled with our Recovery College:

    Submit an online registration form

    To book on to one of our courses, you need to be enrolled with Thurrock Recovery College. You can do this by calling us on 01375 809708, emailing us at, or submitting a secure online registration form.